Sunday, September 16, 2007


Goethe's Poetry and Truth has the following epigraph from Menander:

ὁ μὴ δαρεὶς ἄνθρωπος οὐ παιδεύεται.

ὁ . . . ἄνθρωπος the man, human being
μὴ δαρεὶς has not been flogged, thrashed, flayed?
οὐ παιδεύεται. has not been educated

We're getting into the middle or passive voice here, which is many chapters ahead in Chase and Phillips, but it is the beginning of the school year, so . . .

He who has not been thrashed has not been educated.
He who has not been disciplined has not been educated.

I think δαρεὶς could also mean "has been flogged" or even "flayed." Anybody know the infinitive of δαρεὶς?

δαρμός, a flogging, flaying, seems to be the noun. . . .

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